Thomas Scott Moore
December 16, 1998- February 6, 2010
Thomas was my son's best friend since they were little bitty.
They had a very special friendship that will be very hard to replace. They not only had a lot of the same interests, but they made many memories together while doing what they loved. Basketball, camping, geo caching, exploring and collecting baseball cards were among their favorite. I used to love to hear their laughs (and screams) as they played for hours.
I think one of the reasons that Thomas and Jackson had such a strong bond was because they both had very sweet hearts. Thomas was sensitive and tender hearted. Yes, he was still a rambunctious boy that loved to be mischief (and shirtless), but he had a huge heart. Thomas and Jackson loved to help with ministry in the community- from delivering Thanksgiving dinners to delivering Christmas presents to kids that were less fortunate. Not only did he want to help them, but he wanted to be their friend.
Thomas was a very special gift to my son from God. We thank Him often for allowing us to be apart of his life. I know that Thomas had an impact here on earth by always following his heart and
sharing that with Jackson.
I thank God for our memories with Thomas
and his friendship with my son.