Saturday, May 15, 2010

a cheerful banquet

Last night my daughter got to attend her last school banquet for her cheerleading career. How fun it was! I always here people say how they wish they could go back in time to when they were in high school. When I watch my daughter stress about school work, college, tests, friends, coaches, sports, etc. I don't desire that wish at all. However, I do love to watch her have the time of her life. You know- remember being so excited about something coming up, especially the weekend! Having butterflies in your stomach? Being so excited about something that you could wet your pants ? Okay, maybe that last one is just me!
{This next picture says it all!}
My dear Lizzie, I hope all of your good times outnumber the others!

I had the pleasure of getting to decorate the banquet! YEA!

I figured these FUN loving girls needed a fun, bright and cheerful banquet decor.
I found the most beautiful flowers in brilliant COLORS. Now what to do with them? Something unique and fun?! Well, remember that eye candy picture from a couple of posts back? The one that had a lot of colors and yes, a jar of BUBBLE GUM.

So a candy shopping I went!

Loaded up the flowers...

Added a little SPARKLE...

Found some great vases...

And then went to work having some inspirational FUN!

day of skateboarding fun

spur of the moment

grabbed his board

jumped in the car

arrived at the city's new skate park

lots of "professionals" already on the scene

my shy little boy

he jumped right in

so entertaining

he practiced & practiced
back & forth, back & forth

my brave Jackson
thank you for sharing a wonderful memory with me