Tuesday, November 9, 2010

2010 5th Annual CHARGE Retreat

What an amazing weekend!
My family and I had so much fun spending it with
some great families.
Families with children that have CHARGE syndrome
came from all over Texas to meet for a
retreat of learning, socializing, entertaining and education.
Let me tell you, the weekend was full of...
a rock wall
a moon bounce
a petting zoo
a fire truck
face painting
great memories & great kids!

Here's the whole gang...

Our Jady

Rock Wall Fun

Parachute Fun

Fishing at the Lake

Proud Grandparents

George Lending a Hand

My Favorite Picture! I love Leigh's face!

Oh and by the way- Lizzie was our photographer for the weekend.

She did a great job capturing all of the memories!
Our Halloween Party at the Witches' Mansion

I've missed you!

I know that I have not been blogging lately,
but I have been a busy little bee!
A lot has been going on!
But it's all been FUN!
Senior Pep rallies
Field Trips
Late Night Decorating
Senior Nights
So for the next couple of blogs I'm going to try to fill you in on
everything that's been going on!

First Jackson-
Jackson had a wonderful time with all of his
buddies on his school field trip to the Renaissance Festival.
I had a great time also, but it was a long day!

He has been busy playing for his Upward Flag Football games.
The season is already over and he loved it! Of course his daddy thought
he was awesome- truth be told- he really was.
He got to play quarterback and made lots of touchdowns!
I can't wait until school football!

Next Lizzie-
Our Senior!
Busy, Busy, Busy!
Loads of Fun!
Beautiful Memories!

Starting at top left clockwise: Student Council Car Bash,
Nerd Day at School, Lizzie & Chessa on Color War Day,
Honor Society Nerd Zombie's for Halloween,
theme shirt, Lizzie at the varsity game, Lizzie & Cailey on Nerd Day,
Seniors made this snake for the Color War Pep rally

Last Senior Volleyball Game!
She cried- a lot!

All of the Senior Volleyball girls!
What great friendships she will remember forever!

Lizzie, Cailey and Taylor on the Rattler field for their last time to
give the Student Council gift to our visiting team.
Aren't they cute?

I know that there is going to be a lot coming up
with my little girl
so I promise I will try to keep my blog updated
so you can watch her enjoy her
last memories of high school.
I pray that she cherishes each one of
them with all of her heart!