Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Graduation Month

Okay, I know it has been forever since I have blogged, but I have a great excuse- My Lizzie Graduated! I want to fill you in on all of the graduating events that have been going on in the past month, so this post is a little long- sorry.

I know that I will have a lot of time on my hands after things settle down, so I am looking forward to getting back to blogging everyday or at least every week!


The Tea Party

Lizzie's wonderful Sunday school teachers, Tammy and Terri, held a Princess Banquet for Lizzie and her friends when they were sophomores. It was so special to the girls. Tammy wanted to do one last special event for the girls before they graduated so she decided to host a tea. It was beautiful and so good to share sweet memories with a wonderful group of ladies. I know that Lizzie will forever be grateful for her teachers. They helped make her into the young, Christian woman she has become.

Thanks Tammy and Terri! We love you!

Senior girls with Tammy, Terri & Kendra.

Senior Church Recognition

Our church has always had a tradition where they honor the graduating seniors with a special Sunday. They usually give them a framed picture with their favorite scripture verse and show a slide show. This year our youth leader decided to make it much more special.

As parents, we were to write a blessing to our child, just as God had done with some great men in the Bible. Jon wrote a beautiful blessing and of course had to be the one to read it aloud because I was a blubbering mess. We were also asked to give them a "token" that would remind them of the blessing. We gave Lizzie a sweet bracelet with a charm that meant "blessings and love". I love this sweet picture of Lizzie and her daddy praying!~

After the ceremony, they had a reception where members of the church could leave gifts and talk to the graduates. One of the hardest things for Lizzie about going away to college is that she is really going to miss her church family. I pray that she finds a church that she loves just as much as this one.

Lizzie's graduation invitation...

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future..."Jeremiah 12:11

My family was eager to see their little Lizzie graduate!

Congratulations, Class of 2011!

Class of 2011's ceremony was extra special!

For the first time ever, fireworks were shot off in the distance by a family that was celebrating their nephew's graduation also!

Friends love at all times. Proverbs 17:17

Now Time to Celebrate

This was Lizzie's invitation to the house reception.

I tried to make all of the decor in the house reflect Lizzie and who she is, from her senior pictures to all of her vintage favorites, especially her cameras!

There were so many loved ones that came to congratulate her!

Another Celebration

The next day, Lizzie had another graduation party with seven of her closest friends. It was so fun and special.

Each graduate got to decorate their own table for their pictures and gifts. They were so cute, because each one reflected each graduate's personality.

The eight honorees!
Great friends!

Thank you Lord for such a great graduation time. Thank you for the sweet friends and family, the sweet memories and most of all thank you for my Lizzie. My life nor family would not be complete without her. Thank you for making her the woman that she is. I pray that she always pleases you in everything that she does.

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